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Stormy Daniels - New Contract Girl

Stormy Daniels 2002 Interview
Bernard Pivot Questionnaire

What is your favorite word?

Stormy Daniels - Favorite word? I don't know. I have little sayings I use that Brad makes fun of me for. She uses two phrases in a deep southern accent that I can't even begin to figure out how to type but if you know someone from down south I am sure you get the idea.

What is your least favorite word?

Stormy Daniels - My least favorite word used to pussy. That was when I was back in high school. I would slap my boyfriend if he said it. That was before I heard cunt but now I use both all the time. But I can't think of anything. I am sure once you walk out of here I will remember one.

What turns you on?

Stormy Daniels - There are two different answers to that because there is what turns me on with a guy and what turns me on with a girl. I really like pretty faces and breasts. And with guys I like facial hair, piercing and tattoos (my boyfriend has all that). I like massages. I like having my neck bit. When he grabs my hair and bites my neck. I really like that. I like a guy to take me and throw me down but I am totally opposite with women. If a girl comes at me I back away.

What turns you off?

Stormy Daniels - Oh God where do I start. Any kind of bad smell, hygiene is very important. If a guy comes on set and he smells I won't work with him. If he doesn't smell at all that is fine but if he is wearing cologne I am like "you smell so good". I am really into that I don't know why.

What sound do you love?

Stormy Daniels - Rock Music

What sound do you hate?

Stormy Daniels - Babies crying, especially in restaurants or airplanes. If there is one you might as well not talk to me because that is all I hear.

For a woman who wants kids that might be a problem.

Stormy Daniels - I didn't say I was ready. I have years though I don't know how I am going to be a mother any way because I have like the weakest stomach. If you barf I am going to barf twice. I have a puppy and Brad makes fun of me because when he makes a mess I have to clean it up and it goes in the toilet and I barf. I guess it goes back to being so smell oriented so I don't know how I will ever change diapers.

What is your favorite curse word?

Stormy Daniels - Cunt, I say it all the time.

What profession would you like to attempt, other than your own?

Stormy Daniels - Veterinary Medicine.

Are you going to go back?

Stormy Daniels - No I don't think I would be able to finish once I am done here. Actually I want to be a Veterinary Technician since they are the ones that actually treat the animals. But there is no pay.

What profession would you not like to participate in?

Stormy Daniels - Obviously Child Care.

Again that could be a problem for a future mother.

Stormy Daniels - I was just thinking of all the barfing and stuff. Supposedly that all goes away when you become a mother but I don't know.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Stormy Daniels - Nice tits.

Okay I will have to admit that is an unusual answer.

Stormy Daniels - At least I will know no matter how much criticism I have gotten for getting them done the person who counts the most appreciates my endeavor. And then I will also know he has a good sense of humor.

Anything else you want to talk about?

Stormy Daniels - Not really. I start my first Wicked contract movie next week. It is going to be directed by Jonathan Morgan and it will be my first time working with him so I am kind of excited about that.

Not with Brad?

Stormy Daniels - Well he is in it and plays one of my love interests as well as being the art director.

Are you going back out on the road anytime soon?

Stormy Daniels - In two weeks November 21, 22, and 23rd in City of Industry at the Sahara Theatre. I will be going out once a month after that. I will limit myself to one out of town engagement a month.

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