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Stormy Daniels - New Contract Girl

Stormy Daniels 2002 Interview

Why are Hooter's Girls one of your favorite things?

Stormy Daniels - You know what I have no idea because most of the time you go into Hooter's and the girls aren't that Hooterfied. I think maybe it is because I am a total breast freak, but it is definitely something about those little orange shorts. I was just devastated when they came out with those little black outfits for Monday Night Football. I wrote a letter of complaint. I actually got kicked out of the Hooters in Baton Rouge and they wouldn't let me back in for a year and a half for sexually harassing the waitresses.

So you were never a Hooter's Girl?

Stormy Daniels - No, never.

Why not?

Stormy Daniels - I don't know. I did try talking them out of an outfit one time but they wouldn't give me one unless I worked. I have never served food. I am like totally afraid of like dropping it or spilling it on people. That is really what it is.

Why no drinking?

Stormy Daniels - I do drink, very rarely. I have never smoked and I have never done drugs but I occasionally drink. I probably go out maybe once a month and if I go I will have two beers. I don't like the feeling of being drunk.

So you have never been drunk?

Stormy Daniels - I have been, I didn't like it.

You made an off hand remark about being half Irish and half Cherokee does that have anything to do with it?

Stormy Daniels - That is probably why it is best I don't. They both have bad reputations for being alcoholics.

Did your parents make a big deal of drinking when you were a kid?

Stormy Daniels - Nope it was never an issue. They never said "don't drink". My dad used to drink beer all the time and I remember at a birthday party or whatever my mom would buy me a daiquiri or something. It was never a big deal.

You made a comment that "I did well in school - smarter than your average stripper".

Stormy Daniels - Yeah most people don't know that about me or maybe they don't care to know that about me because it might ruin their whole "porn star fantasy" I don't know. I actually went to a Magnet School. I don't know if they have those here but in Louisiana you actually have to be accepted, you have to have a certain grade point average or they kick you out. I also graduated in the top 10% in the country of all high school students and I had several college acceptances. I was smart but I hated school though that was the weird thing. I wonder how well I would have done if I had actually tried because I had really good grades without even trying.

Did you get a scholarship to any place prestigious?

Stormy Daniels - Texas A&M, Mississippi State for Veterinary Medicine but it was based off my ACT scores not my grades. I guess when you take your ACT you have to pick three schools to send your scores to and I just randomly picked them and they all called me back.

Now in your comment are you saying your average stripper is not that smart?

Stormy Daniels - I think that part of the persona of being a stripper is not letting your intelligence show so much because you have to let the guy do the talking. You are there to listen to the guy and say "uh huh", "yeah". Basically I think strippers and therapists are very similar. You don't want to throw out too many of your opinions because no guy wants to go in there and get sympathy and then get it thrown back in his face. "This is your entire fault and why are you here in the first place and maybe you wouldn't have all these problems..." Sometimes it is best to keep your mouth shut.

You moved in with your then boyfriend at age 17 and started stripping underage. Is this something you would recommend to other people or was it a mistake?

Stormy Daniels - For me personally I don't think it was a mistake because I never took it to a bad place. But I think it is very, VERY easy for a stripper especially one who is young to take it to a bad place. I worked at a strip club in Baton Rouge (and I won't mention the one I worked at when I was underage) but when I was legal I went to work at the Gold Club in Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge is a college town. So every year when school started we would have this influx of new girls coming in to audition. A lot of them were young, little 18/19 year-old girls. And stripping is a GREAT way to get through college if you are strong enough to handle it but I would say no less than 90% of the girls came in and I watched them for those five years every year and it was such a waste. These girls would come in and they would have scholarships to college and they were bright and beautiful and smart and going to dance two or three nights a week so they didn't have to work long jobs and they could concentrate on school. They start getting a taste of that money, start getting that alcohol every night. I saw so many downward spirals it was just so sad. I think someone who is considering dancing at a young age has to be very strong. They have to totally not give in to peer pressure and they have to not let the money control them. I am one of the very few girls I think that although I wasn't in school I never fell into the drinking every night, I never did drugs. I never got so caught up in the money that one week I would never do that and a few months later someone would offer me more money and go maybe this one time. I never fell into that and I just saw so many young girls who did and it made me so sad. It used to make me sick.

I am surprised they let them drink, aren't you not supposed to drink?

Stormy Daniels - Of course you are not supposed to but if you are up in a VIP room and a guy is buying it for you. You would be surprised how many girls would bring alcohol in with them and put it in their locker and have to do a couple shots before going out onto the stage because they were so nervous. I was never that way. Those high heals are dangerous enough without mixing in alcohol. I have very mixed emotions about stripping. Because stripping got me where I am now. If I hadn't gone in that first night I certainly wouldn't be sitting here talking to you. Everything happens for a reason. Everything in life is a chain reaction. I am very thankful for stripping for the sex business and the adult industry in general. On the other hand I have just seen so many girls that it just ruins them. So many women who are 35-40 years old and still stripping and have nothing to show for it and that is just really sad. I have been stripping since I was 17, I am now 23 I own my own house, I own my own car, I own my own business. My credit is excellent. I have nice furniture and nice things but I am not wearing designer clothes or anything. I have money in the bank. Some girls put it into college and that is fine, or investments. But if you are a dancer and you come in and say I have to make $300 dollars tonight or my rent is late then you are doing something wrong. That used to make me so mad when I heard girls say that. Now that I have gone off on a complete tangent, I guess it is something I just have very mixed emotions about.

You made the comment that you didn't want to stay in the porn business too long because some girls do. What do you consider too long?

Stormy Daniels - That goes back to the same thing. The girls come in when they are young and hot and they are the new thing. And their bodies look great and your face still looks good. Everyone is still into you and you are making all that money. Hang onto it, because when work starts slowing down you don't want to have to say well I will give you a deal. I will give you $blank off my rate if you hire me cause I need the money now. That is when you know you should not be here any more. I can't put a definite age limit on it because some girls look great at 35. Some girls don't. There is no age limit it is more how you really are.

So do you see yourself here ten years from now?

Stormy Daniels - Well I am 23 now so in ten years I would only be 33 so it is definitely a possibility. I do want to get married and have kids so I don't want to wait too long, because I want to be completely done but ten years is definitely a possibility.

You have a stated weakness for long haired musicians.

Stormy Daniels - Yeah. The guy I am with now is actually the first non-musician. There is something about… I don't know I am just such a groupie. And I have no musical talent at all. I am a fairly good dancer but I can't sing or play anything. I have tried. It is a train wreck.

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